[823pm] What do you love more than anything in this world? Is it popularity, money, jewelry, nice cars, or even that latest fashions. Not everyone can say they have someone they love more than life itself. I was blessed to have that amazing feeling, loving my son more than anything.

If you are a parent, godparent, someones child, or whatever the case may be you can understand where I'm coming from. Before having my son I always knew I loved my mother to death and even my family. Still to this day I will say the same but something is different. When my son was born it was like all the love I had was only for him. I would do anything for him, I would die for him! How can you not love someone unconditionally when you know you brought them into the world.
I was a good kid but not a perfect kid and I did somethings to annoy my mom. What teenager doesn't do that to their parents. When I was younger I thought she was so annoying and just bothering me for her own personal kicks lol. OMG! But as I got older and I had my own child I realized she loved me more than anything. In my eyes my son can do no wrong. Coming home pregnant at 18 didn't please her but I saw she really loved me because she supported me the whole way. Some people are unfortunate and get treated like crap for making a mistake but I was blessed. We all make bad judgements but you know you are unconditionally loved when your parents are always there no matter what. That is something I never take for granted!
To love someone unconditionally is the greatest feeling in the world. And to know that they will always love you in return is what keeps me going everyday.
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